Education for Gild Children
Smile Foundation has joined hands with Rasta to work for the betterment and upliftment of the girls residing in the urban slums of East Delhi. Rasta has been working for the holistic development of underprivileged children in different parts of Delhi.
About Rasta
‘Rasta’ was formed in 1994 by seven socially conscious individual moved by the plight of begging children at traffic interjections and children of laborers working at construction sites with the determination to lessen the miseries of these children and the marginalized community. Initially the organization concentrated on education of these children and gradually started extending its activities to other fields like health, sanitation, AIDS awareness, R.T.I, Gender equates, income generation etc. The organization is working in the communities in East Delhi, North-West Delhi and adjoining areas in Uttar Pradesh like Khora Village and Sudamapuri in Toda Heda village of Vijay Nagar District Ghaziabad.
During last nine years, Rasta has educated over 7000 under privileged children. Rasta has been successful in mainstreaming approximately 3000 children since its evolution. Children are provided extra inputs in studies to come-up at par with other students in formal schools through remedial education classes running at Rasta.
Rasta has developed an image of a credible people based development organization in the area. It has been graded as a premier NGO in the field of education by the Secretary Education NCT Government of Delhi and is considered as an active member of program advisory committee of DIET Karkardoma.
About the Project
Smile Foundation and Rasta have become partners to educate girl child between the ages of 3-14 years. The project "Education for Minority Girls" with support from Smile Foundation will be running 10 education centers for 300 girls from deserving minority community. The project aims at developing aptitude and interest in girls for education. The project area lacks significant number of schools and NGOs. Majority of girls receive discriminatory treatment in all walks of life including education. Most of them are either school drop out or have never been to schools.
The project targets 100 girls between the age group of 3 to 14 years in the beginning.  Three education centres with 30 girls in each will be established.
Smile Foundation shall support Rasta for the following-
1.    Enhancing level of awareness in the community regarding education of children.
2.    Reducing rate of school drop outs and out of the school children.
3.    Reducing child abuse cases.
4.    Rehabilitation of these children in the long run
Special focus on education and development
Rasta is dedicated to the welfare of marginalized children. In the process it incorporates innovative and latest teaching techniques in the course content for teachers training. Resource personnel from organizations like NCERT, SCERT and DIET are invited for input to teachers. Lessons are prepared for each class keeping in mind the scholastic level of each child. The project shall be implemented by preparing the community people to shoulder the responsibility of the project and with their active participation.

Atma addresses the lack of capacity in India to effectively provide Quality Education  to all children. 
Consider these statistics:
20% of India’s poor have no access to education. 86% have no access to technical and vocational training; 45% drop out before eighth grade. By 2015, 65% of Indian population will be youth.By 2050, 50% of  the world’s illiterate will be in India.
In the face of these startling statistics, Atma aims to bridge the education gap through collaborative partnerships.

The Atma Model is a three phase relationship-based intervention which helps organisations move beyond their day-to-day resource constraints.
Atma helps NGOs to break the cycle of insufficient  funds, staff and time. This allows Atma Partners to deliver more Quality Education to the children and young adults they serve. The Atma model is defined by four key services: consultancy, skilled volunteers, training and advocacy.
Consultancy helps Atma Partners to take a step back from day-to-day challenges and think about long term goals. Atma helps partners break big goals into small, achievable steps. In this way, big dreams become manageable.
Skilled Volunteers
Every organisation requires experts across areas of finance, product design or sales. This is true for businesses and NGOs alike. Atma provides Atma Partners with skilled volunteers to do specific projects that result in concrete, measureable results. These skilled volunteers support Atma Partners in taking on the challenges faced in running and growing an organisation.
Training & Workshops
Atma Trainings and Workshops are offered based on the unique needs of Atma Partners. These trainings are generally focused at the management and staff of an NGO, to build skills and competency within that organisation. Workshops and trainings are for Atma Partners and other NGOs.
Atma’s advocacy services focus around creating a platform for awareness, resource-sharing and exchange between NGOs.

Child Right Action

CRY's Vision & Mission

A happy, healthy and creative child whose rights are protected and honoured in a society that is built on respect for dignity, justice and equity for all.
To enable people to take responsibility for the situation of the deprived Indian child and so motivate them to seek resolution through individual and collective action thereby enabling children to realise their full potential. And people to discover their potential for action and change. To enable peoples' collectives and movements encompassing diverse segments, to pledge their particular strengths, working in partnership to secure, protect and honour the rights of India's children. 

At A Glance

Name : CRY - Child Rights and You. (CRY changed it's name from Child Relief and You to Child Rights and You as on April 1, 2006.)
Status : Non-Government Organisation (NGO)
Address : CRY - Child Rights and You, 189/A Anand Estate, Sane Guruji Marg, Mumbai 400011.
Telephone : +91-022-2309 6845 / 2306 3651 / 3647.
Fax : +91-022-2308 0726. Email :
Branches : Bangalore, Chennai, Delhi, Kolkata
Tax Status : All donations to CRY are eligible for tax exemption - 50% tax exempt under Section 80G. CRY also offers 100% tax exemption under Section 35 AC or 80GGA. For more information, write to the CRY office nearest to you.
Registration No. Public Trust Reg.No.F-5208 (Mumbai)
 for more info visit the link...

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